Negative thoughts have dominated the minds of millions of people leading them to a state of frustration. Thoughts like worry, fear, anxiety, and stress have left many disappointed and vulnerable to take necessary action. To live a rewarding life, you, however, have to guard your mind against negativity.
Truly speaking, negative thoughts will never stop appearing. Some unforseen circumstances can subtly expose you to feelings of unworthiness. While these circumstances may not be under your control, there’s something you can do to rid your mind of such negatives.
To accomplish this you must become aware of your thoughts. Remember, thoughts create feelings. Therefore how you feel is an indication of what you’re thinking. This self-awareness is the first step toward overcoming your negative thoughts.
Once you become aware of your thoughts, decide what thoughts you’re going to pay attention to. For example, if you are a hot-tempered person, be mindful of what pushes your emotional buttons.
Next, endeavor to stop feeding the things that make you angry.
Additionally, you can practice breathing meditation anytime you feel angry. This type of meditation requires that you take your focus away from your anger and focus on only your breath.