Kojo Jones came to the limelight after posting his luxurious wedding photoshoots on Twitter and other media outlets. His ceremony has caused traffic on major roads of Accra and Kumasi as some have question his profession relating to such luxurious wedding conducted.
While peace has reigned with time, the philanthropist and entrepreneur has declared his intention to represent his constituency in Parliament. Despite not seen participating actively in politics, the socialist has been noted for involving in developmental projects without posting them on media handles as most Ghanaians politicians do.
Mr. Edward Asare who has witnessed such philanthropic activity of the socialist has disagreed some comments of critics by showing evidence on some projects undertaken by the business mogul
Kojo Jones has also bagged his Doctor in Philosophy award some couple if days ago earning him a Dr. title attached to his name. Basically, with such experience and educational background, he could properly be able to represent the people of Keta in Parliament and could better bring on board diverse ideas to developing the area.
The National Democratic Congress after releasing dates for it’s Parliament seat contest has seen many interested delegates and party executives placing orders on the site to contest. It seems the youths are making incredible effort to take over the countries politics whiles the aged take their rest after mismanaging the economy.
Ghana has now seen downward slope in it’s economic activities hence a higher cost of living, general unemployment, low standard of living and a high index of corruption coming directly from the office of higher personnels in charge of essential services in the country.
All efforts by the National Democratic Congress party to remove all incompetent personnels from office has been on dead ends.
Drop your suggestions on whether you think the young man could lead as MP