Waiting on God is one of the hardest thing to do. Resting upon the promises of God patiently, can be defined as waiting. This can be the believer’s incubation period or gestation period. Abraham is one of the fathers of the faith, that waited on God so many years to birth Isaac. The promise of Isaac took over twenty years for its manifestation. The believer’s patience is tested and tried during this period. It is during the waiting that your faith and trust in God grows. The waiting is definitely not an imprisonment. Lets us look at some other examples of people who waited on God.
Luke 1:80 John grew up and became strong in spirit. And he lived in the wilderness until he began his public ministry to Israel. This scripture is about John the Baptist. The Bible says he grew up and became strong in the spirit. During his wilderness experience, he was preparing himself for the greater. The Lord had not yet given him instructions to preach publicly. Young and inexperienced Christians must adopt the practice of waiting until the time is due. It is during the waiting, that the Lord builds you up for a maximum impact. John’s ministry grew stronger because he has the patience to wait on God. One of the keys to excelling in the ministry, is waiting on God.
Another good example is this. The Lord Jesus Christ asked His disciples to wait in Jerusalem, until they received the Holy Spirit. Anything contrary to this, the promise of the Holy Spirit won’t be realized. The coming of the Holy Spirit, was to empower them for the greater ministry. The young Christian must understand that, uplifting comes after your waiting. Allow yourself to be built up, taught and prepared by God.
The young Christian always feel uncomfortable, whenever they have to exercise patience for God to build them up. The eagerness to move out, becomes the desire. The humility to be taught is on the decline. Most young Christian end up crashing their ministries due to this. The Grace to stay and contend for a genuine, spiritual power must be the goal. To the degree that your life becomes a sign and a wonder. To represent the purpose of the Kingdom of God without shame. So that our incompetence should not become a reproach to the Gospel. It will cost us the study of scripture, reading the knowledge of people captured in materials like books, videos, Audios and so on.
Oh Lord, we pray for the Grace to patiently wait on you. The goal is to get there, the desire is to be built up. Hope, anticipate and trust. God’s timing is always the best. Long suffering, endurance must be the practice.